by - 10:13 PM

Obviously, as you can tell this post is way different from all my other posts. Today I was just thinking about how stingy I am with my money and thought it'll be cool to share my tips on how I remain stingy with it. Some of these tips are just common sense and you probably already know to do it, and some might become an eye opener to you. 

My main main main one , that I always stick by is basically budgeting. I actually believe when it comes to my bank account I have OCD. Before purchasing items, I will calculate what my money will go down to once I've bought something and whether or not I think I should spend more that month or not. To put it in otherwords, I like to know by the end of the month I'll have a certain amount in my account and not less, because I HATEEEE when I end up going over my budget, which is when my OCD kicks in (but thankfully, overspending for me is rare). Hopefully this makes sense because I can't put it into words properly. :( Maybe someone out there can relate?  Plus, budgeting can help because I know with some bank companies and accounts, if you don't spend much you gain interest, even though it's not a lot, every little helps!

This title sounds contradicting lol, but I realised using my bank card, rather than taking money out of an ATM also helps save money. I used to prefer taking money out, instead of using my card. But, think about this, for example, if an item is *insert your own currency*£17, why take out £20, when an extra £3 can remain in your account? *inserts emoji eyes* I think this is very helpful, unless you're in a situation where you are relying on the rest of the change for the day.
I hate unnecessary spending. A LOT.  This year so far, I have had to restrain from spending. I have been going partying more than usual, and as a result have been wanting new clothes to wear on a few occasions, but sometimes you just have to play around with what you already have or just recycle your outfits, there's no shame in that lol. This tip refers to everything and not just clothes. This is cliche, but before you buy. just think do you really need it and most importantly will I use it more than once? No point buying something you're gonna use once. 
(Before I get into this sorry for just my clothes examples - remember this all refers to everything). When we want something we mostly visit different websites to see their variety, but when doing so, also think about price. When I buy something, my first instinct is it worth it? Most of the time my answer is no -_-, but my point is, if you want a plain white tshirt, check all the places you will shop at to find where it's being sold the cheapest! It's an easy way to save a couple or a few £'s and helps to not unnecessarily spend extra.
One time my friend and I went to Pizza Hut. We kind of wanted similar things to eat, and were gonna buy separate pizza's. I wasn't sure on the portion size of a one person pizza and was questioning myself, is my £10 gonna be worth 4 regular sliced pizza's? It came to me, we wanted the same thing, why not buy a medium pizza (which was around £18) and split it! That way we'd be getting much more than what we'd be getting if we got regular sized pizza's, and would be SAVING £2!!!

I actually have another food example, lol. I love going TGI's, you may or may not know that. I usually get the Jack D's sesame chicken strips, which is an appetizer + chips (adding up to around £11). TGI's realised this is a combo everyone loves and made it a main meal option... But guess what?!... It adds up to around £13/14! Soooo... why would I spend an extra £3/4?? In the main meal version there's a little more chicken strips, but the appetizer portion is pretty reasonable. The first time I did give in and took the main meal version, but after that day, I refused to let them lure me in (even though I love them lots and lots lool <3)

As you can clearly tell I do anything to save money, therefore, you should definitely take this concept in mind.
This may sound like I'm being extremely cheap now, but in this example I'll use facial care. Face care products can be quite pricey, but why buy an extremely expensive toner, than buy a cheaper toner, that just about does the same thing?
In London, transportation is everywhere, which is a blessing! It's not generally, expensive, but like I said, every little helps. However, if you're not going that far, walk (make use of those warm days especially)! It's 2 for the price of 1 right there, you're saving money AND getting a little exercise in. Travelling on the bus over here is £1.50 which is quite cheap, compared to travelling on the tube and train. Even though the tube and train are quicker to get you to your destination, to save a little extra get the bus. Again, not only are you saving few pennies or £'s, there's more scenery travelling on the bus, compared to the tube, where you're left to look at nothing.
That concludes my money saving tips for today! These are the main tips I currently use and I really hope this becomes helpful to someone to. I enjoyed writing this post (and I won't lie, I'm quite proud of it lol) because it's useful and is different from the content that my blog usually consists of. 

If you got this far, thanks soo much for reading. I know no one will comment, but let me know if you're considering using some of my tips, if you already use them and maybe some tips of your own. 

Don't forget to check my previous post + the rest! <3 xx

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